Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Facebook and FOMO

I love social networks as much as the next person, I love them so much that I'm scared that I'm genuinely addicted to it. I doubt I'd be able to go more than a few hours without the endless scrolling that has become part of my life. I honestly don't know how I lived for 13  years without Facebook.

My life on social media began about 8 (!!!) years ago when my school friends and I used to make endless websites on the now defunct when I was in year 6 at school. Then I went to secondary school and moved on to the also now defunct Bebo and spent hours and hours organizing who my 'best friends' and posting on my friend's walls.

Then life as I know it was changed in 2008 when I finally joined the biggest social network of them all. Facebook. Facebook formed a key part of my school years as everyone was on it. If you weren't on  Facebook it was like you didn't really exist outside of school hours. I love Facebook as I get to catch up/keep up with old school friends but there are some things that I massively dislike. Not including the embarrassing photos that exist of me, namely between the years 2008-2011. While it's nice to see that my friends are enjoying themselves, its almost impossible not to compare my lives to theirs, which more often than not makes me feel like I'm missing out. Especially since moving away for university I always see posts from old friends at their unis loving life and seemingly going out every night which makes me feel like I'm doing something massively wrong because there are not 1026561 photos of me in clubs or out drinking with my friends. I know that everyone uses social media to portray their 'best self' but it doesn't change the inevitable FOMO ( Fear of missing out) I experience every time I log in. 

I'd love to know what your thoughts on this are!

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